
Mailing Lists

When an Autoprotocol Standard Change (ASC) is accepted into the official standard it is announced on the autoprotocol-announce list. It is recommended that everyone who wishes to track Autoprotocol sign up for the mailing list, which is very low volume.

Development & ASC Discussion

Autoprotocol Standard Change ("ASC") Process

Changes to the Autoprotocol specification are made using the Autoprotocol Standard Change ("ASC") process. Anyone can write an ASC. Community-accepted ASCs are necessary for any changes to the Autoprotocol standard, such as:

  • Adding a new instruction, for example to support a new class of device.
  • Changing the parameters of an instruction in case something is over- or under-specified.
  • Adding a new section to the protocol structure.

To submit an ASC, submit a pull-request to the Proposed directory of the ASCs repository. Please follow the outlined template.

ASCs must be formatted using Markdown syntax. Code example blocks shall be delimited using three backticks rather than indentation (Semantic indentation must not be used in an ASC). Usage of LaTeX is accepted in limited cases, such as when mathematical equations are helpful for the proposal.

Submitted ASC drafts will be initially reviewed by the ASC reviewers team where the focus will be on correct formatting. As the process proceeds, the reviewer may pull in additional reviewers if necessary, and a more technical review where all aspects of the ASC will be subject to discussion will begin. Finally, the curators will be in charge of merging in the PR.

Once an ASC is accepted, it will be sent out to the mailing list for notification. Barring any extraordinary last-minute comments, it will be assigned a number and moved to the published folder where it will be published at this website.


Vanessa Biggers
Eriberto Lopez
Past curators include: Jeremy Apthorp, Tali Herzka, Jim Culver, Rhys Ormond, Peter Lee, Yang Choo, and Josh Nowak.